Monday, October 8, 2012

Letter to Mitt Romney (September 19, 2012)

September 19, 2012

Dear Mr. Romney:

President Obama is your opponent.  Not me, not other Americans, not the 47%.  We are not the “others” or “them”.  Don’t forget, we are not just potential voters, but your fellow Americans: Republican. Democrat. Black. White. Latino. Asian. Native. Gay. Straight. Jewish. Christian. Buddhist. Atheist. Agnostic. Hindu. Sikh. Muslim. Rich. Poor.  Whatever.

Those wanting to vote for you I refuse to label with a percentage or anything else, because they are not an abstract. They are my mother, my friends, my neighbors, my family, and my fellow Peace Corps Volunteers. 

Today I will be printing off my absentee ballot and mailing it in with fingers crossed that it will arrive on time so my vote actually counts.  After living in several developing countries, I’ve realized just how privileged I am as an American to participate in a democracy.  Billions will never know that great feeling of walking out of a voting booth and earning that little sticker. 

As a Peace Corps Volunteer, I often fumble until I my find way.  But I believe in what I do.  And I like to think that despite belonging to a different party, so do you.

I think about these lyrics everyday here in Uganda:

I was raised up believing I was somehow unique
Like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes, unique in each way you can see
And now after some thinking, I’d say I’d rather be
A functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me

From the song “Helplessness Blues” by Fleet Foxes

Although I won’t be voting for you, next year you might be my president.  So please, drop the percentages and the labels.  Whether you win or lose the election, strive to become the cog that Americans need you to be in the great machinery of not only our country, but also the world. 

Ashley Givan
Peace Corps Response Volunteer, Uganda
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (2007-2009), China

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